Did you know leap years are for dryer vent cleaning? We confess we made that up. But Old Smokey’s Fireplace & Chimney wants to get your attention on dryer vent cleaning. For the safety of your home and its occupants, you certainly do not want to wait every four years for this important maintenance.
Why are dryer vents a safety issue?
Without having the vents cleaned, you run a safety risk. But don’t just take Old Smokey’s word for it. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) notes:
Clothes dryers accounted for 92% of the fires; the leading cause of home clothes dryer and washer fires was failure to clean (32%).
Dryers and washing machines were involved in 1 out of 22 home fires for 2006-2010.
In 2010, an estimated 16,800 fires involved clothes dryers or washing machines, resulting in 51 deaths, 380 injuries, and $236 million in property damage.
Why is it critical to make sure your dryer vents are clean?
Dryer vents get blocked or clogged over the course of time. It’s a consequence of repeated use. If your dryer vent is not cleaned, lint and other debris collected there can start a fire. That “other debris” might even consist of nesting materials that animals might use because it is so cozy and warm in there. Ultimately, this is not good for the animals nesting there, nor is it good for your home. Any lint collected there is a problem because the lint is dry and flammable. It poses a fire risk. These vents need to be professionally cleaned. Don’t delay. Call Old Smokey’s right now at 260-424-0009 or 800-876-6539.
So, what should you do?
Get your dryer vent cleaned by an Old Smokey’s qualified and experienced professional. Have clogs and blockages removed to allow air to ventilate and flow freely — and safely. Call Old Smokey’s to inspect and clean your dryer vents, including the vent line, the lint trap, and all connections and fittings. Have it done right the first time by professionals.
What are the benefits of professional dryer vent cleaning?
Because of increased efficiency, you can save money on energy costs. You won’t have to take as long to dry towels, socks, sweatshirts, sheets, jeans, linens — you get the idea. Also, reduce health risks by ventilating carbon monoxide as it should be ventilated — to the outdoors. Most of all, you lessen the potential for fire when you clean your dryer vents annually.
Here are more dryer vent safety tips from the NFPA.
Why choose Old Smokey’s to clean your dryer vents?
We are professionals. We are your neighbors. Our trained experts give dryer vent cleaning the same kind of care and attention chimney sweeping gets. We take pride in excellence.
Call Old Smokey’s now at 800-876-6539. Take the leap to action this leap year. Your dryer vents will breathe more easily — and so will you.