Nothing beats the snow and the frigid cold temperatures like cozying around a warm fire with your loved ones. This winter has been especially long and cold and you’ve probably been using your fireplace quite often. However, spring is in sight and soon it won’t be long until warmer weather arrives and it’ll be time to give your fireplace a little time off. This is a perfect time to get your annual chimney sweeping. A clean chimney is crucial to the safe operation of your chimney system and with winter almost done, now is the perfect time to schedule a cleaning. At Old Smokey’s, our Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) trained and certified professionals have swept over 20,000 chimney’s in our 30 plus years in the industry. Customer satisfaction is the hallmark of our business and numbers like that translate into a lot of satisfied customers.
Why sweeping is important?
Both the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Prevention Agency (NFPA) recommend getting your chimney cleaned and inspected by a CSIA certified chimney technician at least once a year. This is to check for combustible materials and that your chimney and fireplace is in good working and structural condition. There are a lot of things that could have happened to your chimney and fireplace over the past year. Winter can be especially hard on your chimney. If you used your chimney frequently over the winter, soot and creosote will settle and build up on the inside of your chimney. This can be a big issue because creosote is combustible and if it ignites, it creates a fire that is nearly impossible to extinguish.
Water and Your Masonry
Another winter related issue can also arise if moisture gets into the tiny pores or cracks in your chimney masonry. Water will freeze and expand if it sits in your chimneys masonry. Over time, this can weaken the structural integrity of your chimney causing it to crack or crumble. A thorough cleaning and inspection mean that these issues could be caught before they become a more serious issue.
Spring is a very busy time of year for us so appointment slots are starting to fill up fast! Call and schedule a chimney sweeping and inspection with northern Indiana’s, northern Ohio’s, and mid-Michigan’s number one chimney service today! You can reach Old Smokey’s at 260-424-0009 or schedule an appointment online. We look forward to serving you!