Summer is coming to an end! Soon it will be time to start getting cozy around your fireplace again. Before you fire up your fireplace for the first time this fall, it is important that you get your chimney inspected. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Prevention Agency (NFPA) both suggest getting your chimney inspected annually. In fact, an annual chimney inspection by a CSIA certified chimney sweep, like the ones at Old Smokey’s, is the best way to prevent a chimney fire from happening. So, now you know how important chimney inspections are. So, when is the best time to get time to get your chimney inspected?
Right Now!
You may be weeks away from lighting your fireplace for the first time. However, right now is an excellent time to have your chimney inspected! The fall and winter becomes very busy for a chimney sweep. Due to their busy schedule, it can be difficult to get an inspection done at a time that is most convenient to you. If you schedule an inspection before the fall rush, it will be easier to schedule a time that is best for you.
There are a lot of potential problems that can arise with owning a chimney. Therefore, you never know what may have happened to your chimney since your last inspection. Winter can be especially tough on your chimney. Wind and moisture can cause your chimney to erode and crack. The summer heat can also take it’s toll on your chimney. Oh, and let’s not forget about problems that can arise with birds and squirrels using your chimney for their home. With so many potential issues, it is important to get your chimney inspected as soon as possible. This will help assure that any issues found during an inspection will also be taken care of, before you want to start using your chimney!
The Three Levels Of Inspection:
Level one inspections are the most basic and most common. They are performed if there have been no changes to your chimney since its last inspection. However, has there been any structural changes to your chimney, a transfer of property, or an event that may have caused damage to your chimney (such as an earthquake, fire, or tornado)? If so, your chimney will require a level 2 or level 3 inspection. These type of inspections are more detailed and require specialized tools. Unfortunately, they also require more time to complete. If you think you need a level 2 or level 3 inspection, avoiding the fall rush! This will help assure that there is plenty of time available to complete your inspection. Also, that any issues found will be repaired in time for fall.
If you are in need of a chimney inspection, why wait? Call us today to have one of our CSIA certified chimney sweeps inspect your chimney. You can have peace of mind knowing that your chimney and fireplace will be ready warm you up once it gets cold outside!