What do chimney odors indicate?

What do chimney odors indicate?

Have you ever heard the expression “canary in the coal mine”? It comes from the practice of coal miners taking a canary into a coal mine as an early-detection warning sign of dangerous gases. If the canary died, it was a sign of danger to coal miners. As for the rest...
Is your dryer vent backed up?

Is your dryer vent backed up?

Yes, we are called Old Smokey’s Fireplace & Chimney. We concede that Old Linty’s Dryer Vent Cleaners is not as catchy. Nor is Old Linty’s Airflow Protectors. But those names are not as silly as they might appear. Dryer vent cleaning is a significant part of our...
The night terrors of a leaky chimney

The night terrors of a leaky chimney

What’s that drip drip drip in the quiet of the night? You know it’s not the “plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is” of the famous 1965 Alka-Seltzer TV ad (reprised for the 2007 Superbowl). And you know it’s not as terrifying as the beating sound immortally...