Isn’t it odd that people have bonfires in the summer more than in the winter? We don’t have statistics to prove that, but it’s a good hunch. That got us thinking: some fires are wanted; most fires are not. Old Smokey’s Fireplace & Chimney is here to talk about preventing unwanted fires in your home arising from clogged dryer vents.
Without having your dryer vents cleaned, you face the potential hazard of an unwanted fire in your home. With that in mind, here are some sobering statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
- The leading cause of home clothes dryer and washer fires was failure to clean (32%).
- Dryers and washing machines were involved in 1 out of 22 home fires for 2006-2010.
In 2010, an estimated 16,800 fires involved clothes dryers or washing machines, resulting in 51 deaths, 380 injuries, and $236 million in property damage. - Dryer vents can get blocked or clogged as a result of repeated use. Lint and other debris collected in your dryer vents can start a fire. “Other debris” might include animal nesting materials. Lint collected in dryer vents is dry and flammable.
To minimize any risks posed by clogged dryer vents the first order of business is an inspection conducted by a professional. This is the best way to assess whether your dryer vent is clogged. Enlist Old Smokey’s to take a look at your dryer vents to make sure that lint or other debris build-up does not pose a threat of fire.
Old Smokey’s qualified and experienced professionals can identify any problems and then expertly remove clogs and blockages to allow air to ventilate and flow freely — and safely. Old Smokey’s is your go-to source to inspect and clean your dryer vents, including the vent line, the lint trap, and all connections and fittings. As professionals, we do it right the first time.
Our trained experts give dryer vent cleaning the same kind of care and attention chimney sweeping gets. We take pride in excellence. We are proud to say that dryer vent cleaning has been a significant part of our business for many years. As you likely know, our service area is broad and far, but close enough for prompt response time.
In closing, we’d like to add that an Old Smokey’s dryer vent cleaning yields dividends above and beyond fire safety. You can save on energy costs as a result of better drying efficiency. With smooth airflow, your dryer doesn’t need to take as long to dry your wet loads of wash. Also, a good cleaning can help to minimize health risks by enhancing the ventilation of carbon monoxide properly to the outdoors.
p.s. Here are some additional dryer vent safety tips from the NFPA. Now go ahead and call Old Smokey’s at 800-876-6539 to set up a dryer vent inspection and professional cleaning.